Sharp Eyes, Sharper Talons

Don’t buy processed foods. Don’t buy securities. Don’t buy insurance. Don’t use money, if it can at all be avoided. Change your life so that it excludes the machine. Don’t vote. Don’t drive a car. Don’t pay rent. Don’t pay back loans. Don’t pay your mortgage. Don’t answer summonses.

Don’t listen to the words of anyone who does not respect your own. Do not let anyone tell you anything about what you actually see. Do not read newspapers. Do not trust any public figure. Do not trust public records. Do not trust academic institutions, certificates, or degree-holders.

Walk against the crowd. Observe the features of every area and go to the hidden places in it. Do not speak to authority unless in groups of two or greater. Always outnumber authority before speaking. Never be alone. Always have a second person as a witness.

Never accept anything but payment upfront. Do not enter into agreements with anything except another person. Do not talk to machines. Do not pretend that machines can talk. The fewer human hands that touched a thing, the more pure it is. You become anything you eat.

You become the situations you create. Destroy everything before it leaves your home. Annihilate every trace of your existence whenever possible. Do not use someone’s name if it can be avoided. Speak in allegory when there is an argument. Destroy anything hateful. Hate the hateful.

Destroy money wherever possible. Waylay it on its access points and plow its avenues. Most importantly, find its hiding places within your heart and annihilate those false altars of love.

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